Alamance Community School
Find meaning, develop empathy, create solutions
A Tuition-Free NC Public Charter School
2025-26 Admissions Applications Grades K-8th are now open. Apply Today!
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WEDNESDAY: 8:15 - 1:15
Starts at 7:45am
Ends at 8:10am *
Students should be in class by 8:15 & ready for Morning Meeting
Enter Kronbergs Ct. from Jimmie Kerr.
The “TARDY WARNING BELL rings” @ 8:10 AM. Be sure that you are arriving by 8:10 to ensure your child will not be counted tardy.
To be in class by 8:15 and ready for Morning Meeting, your student should arrive in the carline queue no later than 8:10 to be dropped off at school. The “TARDY BELL rings” @ 8:15 AM.
If you arrive at 8:10, it takes a couple of minutes to get in line, pull up to the zones, & drop off your student. Then, it takes approximately 3 - 4 minutes for students to walk from the drop off zones to their classrooms (especially those that are upstairs).
An 8:10 (& no later) arrival, ensures students are in their class by 8:15, ready to learn!
When the Morning Carline queue is closed at 8:10, you will be directed to the parking lot in the front of the building by a Staff member. Please pull up as far as you can so other parents can do the same. At this point, you MUST get out of your car and walk your student(s) to the front office, this applies to Elementary AND Middle School students. It is not safe for them to walk on their own, cars coming out of the Morning Carline queue will still be circling around to the front of the building. If it is before 8:15, your student may head to their classroom without a tardy slip. As soon as the clock strikes 8:15, you must sign your student in with your picture ID and they will receive a tardy slip to bring to their teacher.
A parent/guardian must accompany students into the office to sign the student(s) in for the day.
To minimize interruptions to instruction, parents will not be permitted to walk students to class at this time, as morning meetings will have already begun
* Our instructional day begins at 8:15am. Students are to be in their classrooms, ready to begin morning meeting at 8:15. If you are instructed by staff to pull around to the front to sign your student in, please kindly do so. Your student will be marked tardy for that day.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday afternoon carline starts at 3:15 pm and ends at 3:45 pm
Wednesday afternoon carline starts at 1:15pm and ends at 1:45 pm
Early pickups must be made at least 30 minutes prior to dismissal which is 2:45 on M, T, TH, & F and 12:45 on Wed.
Cars may line up for the afternoon carline 30 minutes BEFORE the school day ends.
This means that families MUST NOT line up BEFORE 2:45 on M, T, TH, & F and BEFORE 12:45 on Wed.
The carline will be blocked off with cones for afternoon recess, so students can use our portable basketball goals, etc. The last class finishes recess at 2:45 PM & 12:45 PM on Wednesday.
Please arrive on campus for the afternoon carline no earlier than 2:45 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday and 12:45 on Wednesday.
Cars need to be able to use Kronbergs Court to pick up students for appointments, etc., so the entire road cannot be blocked! We also need to be sure that emergency vehicles can access the building, if needed.
If you arrive more than 30 minutes before dismissal, you may be asked to leave and return when it is time to line up for the afternoon carline. We are not doing this to be difficult, so please do not get angry with the SRO or a staff member.
Enter Kronbergs Ct. from Jimmie Kerr
It is essential that we do not block Kronbergs Court at any time of day, in case emergency vehicles need to enter our campus. If you are on campus AFTER 2:45 and lined up for carline, we can only have 1 line on the right side of the road. Once our line is almost to the road, you will be asked to circle around and come back once the cars have been pulled down into the carline lanes. This is not only in case of emergencies, but we have been told by the City of Graham that we may not have more than one line and absolutely cannot go out onto Jimmy Kerr Rd. Please follow the directions of the staff member, it is for everyone's safety, including yours.
Turn into our driveway and follow the carline lines, loop around the back and stop at the cones in the left and middle lanes.
Do not proceed to the loading zones until directed to do so.
Display your carline sign(s) on the passenger side dashboard.
We use a software application to facilitate and expedite our dismissal process, so it is important that you have your carline sign.
Do not get out of your cars to load (or unload) book bags into your trunk. This is not only a safety concern, but also slows down the carline. Bookbags, etc. need to go into the vehicle (or out of the vehicle) with the student. In the afternoon, if you want to pull around and go into our parking lot to reload bookbags, you are welcome to do this.
If your student is not at your vehicle in a timely manner, you may be asked to pull up to our overflow zone to continue to wait for your student.
If your child cannot buckle their seatbelt, a staff member cannot do this. Do not stay in the loading zone to buckle your child. Please pull up ahead of the first cone to buckle in your student or you can turn right and follow the carline driveway and drive around to our parking lot to buckle them.
There are a few things that we must and must not do so that everyone is safe in the AM & PM:
In the morning and the afternoon, stop at the cones located in the left and middle lanes. Do not proceed to the unloading zones until the staff member at STOP & GO directs you to do so.
When you are directed by our STOP & GO staff member, you will pull up for drop-off or pick-up.
There are unloading and pick up zones/stations marked with orange cones along the sidewalk beside the gym with a staff member at each cone where students are dropped off or picked up.
Pull all the way up to the first available cone and come to a complete stop. A staff member will open the car door and your student can exit or enter the vehicle.
As you wait in the MORNING carline, have your child get their backpack, lunchbox, etc., so they are ready to be unloaded once you pull up to the unloading zones.
If your child cannot unbuckle or buckle, you MUST pull ahead of the Zone 1 orange cone to the area marked as the OVERFLOW ZONE, so you can lean into the back seat and buckle them. DO NOT get out of your car to do this. If you need to get out of your car, pull around into the parking lot.
DO NOT stay in the loading or unloading zones (with the orange cones) to buckle or unbuckle your child. A staff member will ask you to move up to the OVERFLOW ZONE so that we can keep the carline moving. A staff member cannot buckle your child due to liability issues. You will need to assist them with unbuckling or buckling. We strongly encourage you to begin teaching your children how to do this on their own since it is dangerous for you to get out of your car, at any time, even in our OVERFLOW ZONE. Another option is to follow the carline driveway around the building to our parking lot and then you can buckle your child.
In the AFTERNOON, if a driver does not have a carline sign AND does not know the student’s carline number, they may be asked to pull to the side until a staff member is able to look up the student’s carline number or directed to the front office, so that we do not slow down the line.
Students MUST enter and exit their cars through the passenger side of your vehicle. If you have a child in a car seat on the passenger side that may make it difficult for your student to exit the car easily, we suggest you move that car seat to a spot that will make it easier for your student to enter and exit the car more efficiently.
DO NOT get out of your cars to load (or unload) book bags into your trunk. A staff member will direct you to get back into your car and pull up to the OVERFLOW ZONE. This is a SAFETY CONCERN, but also slows down the carline. Bookbags, etc. need to go into the vehicle (or out of the vehicle) with the student.
In the AFTERNOON, if you want to pull around and go into our parking lot to reload bookbags, you are welcome to do this.
DO NOT USE YOUR CELL PHONES during the AM & PM carline. This is a huge safety concern and a staff member will ask you to put your phone away. Be focused and alert! There are many people on campus during arrival and dismissal times.
We have a School Resource Officer (SRO) that will help direct morning and afternoon carline traffic.
Please be kind and listen to staff as they help ensure the safety of our community.
To ensure students are safe and so that teachers and staff can fulfill their duties, at 3:45 on M, T, TH, & F and at 1:45 on Wednesdays, all remaining students will be taken to the Genesis Athletics After Care Program and families will be charged a late pickup fee. The fee for late pickup is $10 for the first 30 minutes and then $5 for each additional 30 minutes.
The Overflow Zone is intended for rare occasions & to do something quickly. If you must go to the Overflow Zone, put on your hazards so the car behind you knows you are not ready to exit.
NOTE: Each time a car needs to go to the Overflow Zone, it slows the carline down by 30 seconds. If 10 cars need to go to Overflow, this adds 5 minutes to our carline.
What if I am late dropping my student off in the morning?
Students should be in class by 8:15am, ready for Morning Meeting. We end the morning carline at the back of the building around 8:10. If you arrive after 8:10, proceed to the front of the building, park and accompany your child to the front door to sign them in for the day.
Your student will receive a tardy slip and will be marked tardy for the day.
What if I am late picking my student up at the end of the day?
To ensure students are safe and so that teachers and staff can fulfill their duties, at 3:45, all remaining students will be taken to the Genesis Athletics After Care Program and families will be charged a late pickup fee.
The fee for late pickup is $10 for the first 30 minutes (or for any portion thereof) and then $5 for each additional 30 minutes.
What if I need to check my student out early on a given day?
We understand that sometimes appointments and obligations must be scheduled during the instructional day. If you need to check your student out early, please come to the front door and ring the bell.
Someone will answer to assist you. Please let them know you need to check your student out early. You will need to provide the student's name and their teacher. You may be asked to show photo ID to as staff member as well.
You MUST have your photo ID to sign a student out of school.
It can sometimes take a few minutes to prepare a student for an early checkout, especially during lunch, specials and recess. So please allow enough time to consider this when picking your student up early.
All early checkouts must be done 30 minutes or more before dismissal. Please check your student out before 2:45pm (12:45 on Wednesdays), if you need to do so. If you arrive after 2:45 (12:45 on Wednesdays), please be patient for us to connect you with your student. You may be required to wait an extended amount of time due to safety and our dismissal procedures.