Alamance Community School
Find meaning, develop empathy, create solutions
A Tuition-Free NC Public Charter School
2025-26 Admissions Applications Grades K-8th are now open. Apply Today!

Child Find Brochure
ACS has established procedures that ensure that all children regardless of their circumstances and severity of their disability who are in need of special education and related services, are identified, located, and evaluated.
ACS will abide by the following procedures:
1. Classroom teachers will use classroom observations, formative assessment data, and other evaluations to identify students who are suspected of having a disability.
2. Teachers, administration, and parents will join together to create an individualized student success plan that will provide interventions at the classroom level with the goal of addressing any deficiencies the student may have. After 4 weeks, these interventions will be assessed.
3. If the team determines that the interventions put in place were successful, then the Success Plan will continue and the student’s success will continue to be monitored.
4. If the initial interventions are not successful under the Success Plan, the team will move to more intensive research-based interventions under the Student Assistance Program (SAP). If these more intensive interventions do not contribute to improved student achievement it may be determined that the student will need to be evaluated for Special Education services.
5. ACS will utilize the services of a licensed Psychologist to administer the various evaluations that identify learning disabilities. Based on the written evaluation of the Psychologist, the IEP team will determine if the student qualifies for Special Education services.
6. If it is determined that the student qualifies, an IEP will be written and implemented immediately. If it is determined that the student does not qualify for Special Education services he/she may or may not be referred for 504 services.
The child find procedures also apply to children with disabilities with varying living circumstances including those who are highly mobile, migrants, and/or homeless.
*If a parent verbally requests an evaluation (also known as a parent referral to special education); staff should advise the parent to make the request in writing and send it to the student’s teacher, the MTSS Coordinator, Scott Tribotte, and the EC Facilitator, Amanda Trump.
- Upon receipt, the EC Facilitator will schedule the IEP Team meeting to discuss the parent request. This begins the regulatory/procedural timeline associated with initial referrals/evaluations.