Dear ACS Families,
In this email, you will find very important information for the beginning of the year. Please read carefully.
Supply Lists for the 2022-23 school year are posted on the ACS website. You can find them under Parents > Supply Lists 2022-23. They are linked here as well.
Teacher assignments for 2022-23 will be emailed to families on Tuesday, August 2. Please make sure you check your junk and spam folders if you have not received this email by 5pm. If you do not receive your teacher assignment by email by Wednesday morning, you may contact the school office or you may find your teacher assignment in the front office when you attend Open House.
ACS does not have an on-site cafeteria. Students eat in their classrooms or picnic outside when weather permits. Students must either bring lunch from home or order in advance from our hot lunch ordering service. Students should also bring a reusable water bottle every day, filled with water only, which can also be refilled at our bottle filling stations.
If you anticipate that your student will be participating in our Free or Reduced Lunch program, you will be provided with more information about that program directly. You will need to provide lunch for your student through one of these methods until you have received confirmation of a date as to when your students’ participation will begin in that program.
When planning for your student’s snack and lunch, please be mindful of ACS’ Policies for Snack and Lunchtime, as outlined in the Parent Student Handbook:
Parents and students are encouraged to pack a healthy lunch and snack.
When a caregiver brings an outside lunch for their student, drinks must be provided in a spill-proof container. Examples include reusable water bottles, individual milk bottles, juice “boxes” and single-use bottled waters. Traditional fast food cups with lids and straws are particularly prone to spilling and making sticky messes and will therefore not be delivered to classrooms. In an effort to encourage healthy lifestyles and limit excessive sugar and caloric intake, sodas, sweet tea, sport drinks, and the like are highly discouraged during the instructional day.
All students are encouraged to bring a water bottle and fill up at the bottle filling stations.
We are excited to offer My Hot Lunchbox as our hot lunch program! Order lunch from a wide variety of options provided by your student’s favorite local restaurants. Our lineup of vendors this year is:
Monday - La Fiesta
Tuesday - Zaxby's
Wednesday - CiCi’s Pizza
Thursday - CiCi's Pizza
Friday - Smithfields Chicken & BBQ
To begin ordering lunches, click the link below and follow the instructions on the attached registration letter to create your free account.
Just a reminder, the deadline for ordering is 12:00 noon the day before each lunch delivery.
If you have any questions, please contact My Hot Lunchbox at (888) 894-8295 or email:
KINDERGARTEN: Thursday, August 4 from 3:00 - 3:45
1ST GRADE: Thursday, August 4 from 2:00 - 2:4
2ND GRADE: Thursday, August 4 from 1:00 - 1:45
3RD GRADE: Thursday, August 4 from 3:00 - 3:45
4TH and 5TH GRADE: MONDAY, AUGUST 8 from 1:00 - 1:45
The first day of school for students 1st - 5th Grade for the 2022 - 23 school year is Tuesday, August 9 from 8:15 - 3:15.
Also, don’t forget that every Wednesday, our school hours are 8:15 - 1:15 and we dismiss 2 hours early for on-going staff development and planning.
ACS Kindergartners will begin the school year with a staggered start and an abbreviated day, so that the students can get accustomed to their new school, teachers, and schedule.
From 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM, a fourth of the kindergarten students from each class will come to school each day on:
Tuesday, August 9
Wednesday, August 10
Thursday, August 11
Friday, August 12
The school has assigned the day your kindergartner will attend for their staggered start day. This information was sent to you via email. If you are a Kindergarten parent and have not received this information, please contact:
All kindergarteners will have their first FULL day of school on Monday, August 15 from 8:15 AM - 3:15 PM.
IMPORTANT! If your student has (or will need) a school Health or Action Plan please make sure to have the plan updated and ready to turn in at the start of next school year. Even if your student had a plan for the 2021-2022 school year, a new plan must be reviewed and authorized by the student’s healthcare provider and submitted to ACS for the 2022-2023 school year. There are a few frequently-used health plan and action plan forms available on the Documents and Forms page of the ACS website and linked below. Health plans should be submitted to the front office when students return to school in August.
Students requiring medication administration at school, including the use of inhalers and Epi Pens, must also have a Medication Authorization Form completed by their healthcare provider on file for each new school year. These completed forms should be submitted to the front office prior to the student needing to receive medication at school. Please find the link for the ACS Medication Authorization Form below.
** Please note that Alamance Community School is not a part of the Alamance-Burlington School System and we cannot act upon a completed ABSS form.
Related Links:
We also have copies of these forms in the school office, if you need a printed blank copy. We are here to help, if you have any questions or concerns about authorizations or health action plans, please contact the school office at
We look forward to seeing all of you at Open House and on your first day of school! Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you!
ACS Administration